Food Restaurants in Vijayanagar Bangalore
If your resident of Vijayanagar locality in Bangalore ,then there are many veg restaurants in Vijayanagar Bangalore , which offer delicious South Indian dishes .There are so many food restaurants in Vijayanagar Bangalore which offer varieties of vegetarian delights . Idli vada sambar is one of them and its a recipe that is made from a combination of idli, vada and sambar.As the name suggests it is a vegetarian dish with rice or Idli served in a bowl of hot Sambar. It is mainly eaten in the Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. The dish has its origin in Andhra Pradesh but has been popularized throughout India over time. Idli Vadas are two types: 1) Boiled: Idlis are boiled and then fried with vadas and 2) Steam: Idlis are steamed and then fried with vadas Dosa is a type of fried rice and lentil crepe from the Indian Subcontinent. Dosa is made of rice and black gram (urad dal) which are ground to a paste and cooked on a griddle with oil or ghee. Masala...